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    Berhampuri Sari

    Map Academy

    Articles are written collaboratively by the EIA editors. More information on our team, their individual bios, and our approach to writing can be found on our About pages. We also welcome feedback and all articles include a bibliography (see below).

    A type of thick silk sari that characteristically features a phoda kumbha motif and is named after Berhampur (now Brahmapur), a city associated with the deity Brahma in the Ganjam district of Odisha (formerly Orissa). Also known as the Berhampuri resham patta, these saris are typically woven in red, white, black and blue and are often accompanied by a matching joda. The unique feature of this sari is that the phoda kumbha pattern is reversible, allowing the sari to be worn with either side facing outwards. As the phoda kumbha pattern and the expensive silk used to make it, in the context of the mythological history of the textile, are considered markers of auspiciousness, the sari, as well as the joda, are worn at important ceremonies, such as weddings.

    Textiles using the style of weaving found in Berhampuri saris are said to have originated in the fourteenth century, under the patronage of the Mohuri kings of Odisha. Some scholars suggest that they were traded through the state’s Gopalpur port to other countries connected by the Bay of Bengal. They have also historically been used to drape Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra — the principal deities worshipped at the Jagannath temple in Puri.

    In 2013, the Berhampuri sari acquired Geographical Indication (GI) status from the Government of India for their territory-specific production and characteristics.



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